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COMMENTS (307292)

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Posted Sun, 09/22/2024 - 00:07

Роман Василенко: в 2020 году выйдем на покупку 100 квартир в месяц <a href=>Что известно о Романе Василенко</a> В конце декабря в Москве по инициативе депутатов Государственной думы Сергея Крючка и Олега Нилова прошел круглый стол о перспективах жилищной кооперации для решения жилищной проблемы в России. Большой интерес вызвала модель жилищных кооперативов, обходящегося без государственной поддержки и подразумевающая покупку только готового, а не строящегося жилья. Депутат Государственной думы Олег Нилов подчеркнул, что кооперативы существовали еще в советские времена, это позитивный опыт, который нуждается в государственной поддержке — ведь это способ беспроцентной покупки объектов недвижимости вскладчину. — Опыт Германии свидетельствует о том, что он очень эффективен, — заявил депутат Государственной думы Сергей Крючек, — Там очень большой объем жилья приобретается за счет кооперативного финансирования, а не ипотеки. Это альтернативный источник финансирования решения жилищного вопроса. Присутствовавший на круглом столе практик жилищной кооперации — председатель правления жилищного кооператива "Бест Вей" Роман Василенко подчеркнул, что возглавляемый им кооператив как раз является примером решения квартирного вопроса без государственного финансирования и при этом с минимальной переплатой. — Квартира, приобретенная кооперативом, обойдется существенно дешевле ипотечной. Переплата, связана с внесением вступительного и членских взносов, по наиболее типичным квартирам — стоимостью 3,5-4 млн рублей, составит примерно 10-15%. По его словам, жилищная кооперация в России имеет давнюю историю. Дореволюционная Россия была первой в мире по числу кооперативов в мире. Жилищные кооперативы были распространены и в советское время. В пореформенный период был избран американской путь — акцент на ипотеку. Но он себя не оправдал — так как ипотеку получить довольно тяжело и число нуждающихся в качественном жилье сокращается медленно. Кооперативное же финансирование получить, наоборот, легко. Нет таких требований, как хорошая кредитная история, не требуется подтвержденный доход. Что касается возрастных ограничений, то пайщику должно исполниться 16 лет, верхних ограничений для вступления в кооператив нет. Залоговой частью выступает сама квартира: пока пайщик полностью не рассчитается с кооперативом, она находится в собственности кооператива, то есть в собственности всех пайщиков. Как только пайщик рассчитался с кооперативом, он получает право регистрации перехода права собственности на квартиру. — В развитии жилищных кооперативов нужно правильно расставить акценты: выбрать форму, нуждающуюся в приоритетной поддержке. Есть жилищно-строительные кооперативы — это как раз случай Су-155. И есть жилищные кооперативы. Нет рисков, характерных, например, для ЖСК — рисков того, что ликвидный объект недвижимости, гарантирующий выплату пая пайщику, который примет решение выйти из кооператива, не будет создан — потому что дом по тем или иным причинам не будет достроен. ЖК, сказал Василенко, покупают только готовые квартиры — на первичном или вторичном рынке, с зарегистрированным правом собственности, причем, квартиры, прошедшие тщательную юридическую проверку и независимую оценку рыночной стоимости. Это наиболее безопасное вложение. Достоинство ЖК, по словам Василенко, в том, что они не привлекают кредиты и не нуждаются в госфинансировании. Они способны решить проблему доступного жилья. У них одна-единственная задача — приобретение квартир для пайщиков, — заметил Василенко, — Они не имеют права привлекать заемные средства.

Posted Sun, 09/22/2024 - 00:07

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Posted Sun, 09/22/2024 - 00:09

Роман Василенко – Парадигма Успеха! <a href=>Статьи о Романе Василенко</a> Психологи оценивают лидерство, как умение мотивировать, сплачивать, принимать быстрые решения. Но истинным лидерам присуще еще одно качество, о котором умалчивают специалисты. Лидер – это человек, способный сделать других счастливее. Неслучайно, что во время затянувшейся экономической нестабильности мы ищем образец для подражания – человека, который пройдя все перипетии жизненного пути, добился значительных высот, делится своими знаниями и накопленным опытом. Для многих россиян таким человеком стал Роман Викторович Василенко –идейный вдохновитель, основатель холдинга Life Is Good и председатель правления ЖК Best Way. Получив высшее экономическое образование в Ярославском Высшем Военном Финансовом Училище, он на рубеже XXI века принял решение совершенствоваться в профессии – продолжить обучение в области экономики и финансов на международных курсах. Полученные знания подкреплялись практическим опытом. За 15 лет работы в швейцарской корпорации Роман Викторович прошел путь от финансового консультанта до управляющего директора. В настоящее время Роман Василенко – кандидат экономических наук, президент Международной бизнес-академии IBA, досконально владеет навыками сетевого маркетинга. Следует отметить, что данный принцип построения бизнеса не имеет ничего общего с финансовыми пирамидами. Сетевой маркетинг за 70-летнийопыт успешного развития, доказал свою жизнеспособность и экономическую целесообразность. Роман Викторович имел великолепные возможности перебраться за границу и там применять свои знания и опыт. Но оставаясь патриотом своей страны, коренным петербуржцем он неоднократно делом доказывал свою любовь к Родине. Не сменил Россию на сладкую жизнь, когда компаньон по бизнесу после года упорной работы оставил Романа с семьей буквально ни с чем. Не погнался за длинным рублем, махнув на все рукой, когда в январе 2014 года его детище – молодая компания – переживало рейдерский захват. Честь, совесть, независимая воля – это не просто слова для Романа Василенко. Как настоящий мужчина и офицер запаса он привык держать слово, отвечать за принятые обязательства. Люди доверили ему свои деньги, и он не мог их разочаровать. Воинская дисциплина и врожденные качества характера помогли Роману мобилизоваться, преодолеть сложные жизненные рубежи и уверенно двигаться к намеченной цели. Его твердые решения основаны на том, что лучше для всей корпорации; а не только для нескольких партнеров. Но не одни только деловые качества являются основными признаками успеха Василенко. Людей больше привлекает его жизненное кредо. Те, кому посчастливилось работать с Романом Викторовичем, характеризуют его как филантропа и нравственного бизнесмена. Представители более близкого окружения рассказывают о его трепетном отношении к семье, друзья – о горячей любви к яхтам и дайвингу. И все в один голос заявляют о его безукоризненной честности. Сам Роман Викторович говорит, что этим он обязан своим родителям и в первую очередь матери, о которой он всегда говорит с особой теплотой и нежностью. На протяжении многих лет Роман мечтал не просто о собственном бизнесе, а принципиально новом подходе к делу. Идея, казалось, витала в воздухе, для ее формирования не хватало одного толчка. Таким толчком стала главная тема саммита стран ШОС, участником которого был Василенко, «Как сохранить человеческий капитал и предотвратить утечку мозгов из России». Как известно, главная трудность молодых перспективных кадров – это отсутствие жилья и сложность его приобретения. По мнению Романа Викторовича необходимо дать возможность людям заработать на приобретение жилья, чтобы устранить главную причину миграции кадров. Ярославском Высшем Военном Финансовом Училище, он на рубеже XXI века принял решение совершенствоваться в профессии – продолжить обучение в области экономики и финансов на международных курсах. Полученные знания подкреплялись практическим опытом. За 15 лет работы в швейцарской корпорации Роман Викторович прошел путь от финансового консультанта до управляющего директора.

Posted Sun, 09/22/2024 - 00:12

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Posted Sun, 09/22/2024 - 01:02

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Posted Sun, 09/22/2024 - 01:07

Beirut, Lebanon CNN — A deadly Israeli airstrike on Hezbollah’s stronghold in southern Beirut on Friday has left over a dozen people dead, including a high-ranking Hezbollah commander, sharply escalating the conflict between the two sides and raising fears of all-out war. <a href=></a> Senior Hezbollah commander Ibrahim Aqil, part of Hezbollah’s elite Radwan Force, was assassinated along with “about 10” other commanders, Israel Defense Forces (IDF) spokesperson Daniel Hagari said, accusing them of planning to raid and occupy communities in Galilee in northern Israel. Hezbollah confirmed Aqil’s death on Friday, saying he was killed “following a treacherous Israeli assassination operation on 09/20/2024 in the southern suburbs of Beirut.” According to Hagari, the targeted commanders were “underground underneath a residential building in the heart of the Dahiyeh neighborhood, using civilians as a human shield” at the time of the attack. Lebanon’s health ministry said at least 14 people were killed and 66 others injured in the airstrike, which leveled a multistory building in a densely populated neighborhood. Aqil had a $7 million bounty on his head from the United States for his suspected involvement in the 1983 strike on the US Embassy in Beirut, which killed 63 people, as well as the bombing of the Beirut Marine barracks, which killed 241 US personnel later that year. A CNN team on the ground in Beirut saw a frantic effort to rescue people from underneath the rubble and rush the wounded to hospital. Witnesses said nearby buildings shook for nearly half an hour after the strike, which the IDF said it had carried out at around 4 p.m. local time. A week of surprise attacks Friday’s strike marked the fourth consecutive day of surprise attacks on Beirut and other sites across the country, even as Israeli forces continued deadly strikes and operations in Gaza and the occupied West Bank. The first major attack against Hezbollah this week came Tuesday afternoon when pagers belonging to the militant groups’ members exploded near-simultaneously. The pagers had been used by Hezbollah to communicate after the group’s leader, Hassan Nasrallah, encouraged members to switch to low-tech devices to prevent more of them from being assassinated. Almost exactly 24 hours later, Lebanon was rocked by a second wave of explosions, after Hezbollah walkie-talkies detonated in Beirut and the south of the country on Wednesday. At least 37 people were killed, including some children, and more than 3,000 were injured in the twin attacks. In a United Nations Security Council meeting on Friday, UN human rights chief Volker Turk on Friday warned that the detonation of communication devices could violate international human rights law. Lebanese Foreign Minister Abdallah Bou Habib and Israeli Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon clashed at the heated meeting, with Bou Habib calling on the council to condemn Israel’s actions and Danon slamming the Lebanese envoy for not mentioning Hezbollah.

Posted Sun, 09/22/2024 - 01:08

Beirut, Lebanon CNN — A deadly Israeli airstrike on Hezbollah’s stronghold in southern Beirut on Friday has left over a dozen people dead, including a high-ranking Hezbollah commander, sharply escalating the conflict between the two sides and raising fears of all-out war. <a href=></a> Senior Hezbollah commander Ibrahim Aqil, part of Hezbollah’s elite Radwan Force, was assassinated along with “about 10” other commanders, Israel Defense Forces (IDF) spokesperson Daniel Hagari said, accusing them of planning to raid and occupy communities in Galilee in northern Israel. Hezbollah confirmed Aqil’s death on Friday, saying he was killed “following a treacherous Israeli assassination operation on 09/20/2024 in the southern suburbs of Beirut.” According to Hagari, the targeted commanders were “underground underneath a residential building in the heart of the Dahiyeh neighborhood, using civilians as a human shield” at the time of the attack. Lebanon’s health ministry said at least 14 people were killed and 66 others injured in the airstrike, which leveled a multistory building in a densely populated neighborhood. Aqil had a $7 million bounty on his head from the United States for his suspected involvement in the 1983 strike on the US Embassy in Beirut, which killed 63 people, as well as the bombing of the Beirut Marine barracks, which killed 241 US personnel later that year. A CNN team on the ground in Beirut saw a frantic effort to rescue people from underneath the rubble and rush the wounded to hospital. Witnesses said nearby buildings shook for nearly half an hour after the strike, which the IDF said it had carried out at around 4 p.m. local time. A week of surprise attacks Friday’s strike marked the fourth consecutive day of surprise attacks on Beirut and other sites across the country, even as Israeli forces continued deadly strikes and operations in Gaza and the occupied West Bank. The first major attack against Hezbollah this week came Tuesday afternoon when pagers belonging to the militant groups’ members exploded near-simultaneously. The pagers had been used by Hezbollah to communicate after the group’s leader, Hassan Nasrallah, encouraged members to switch to low-tech devices to prevent more of them from being assassinated. Almost exactly 24 hours later, Lebanon was rocked by a second wave of explosions, after Hezbollah walkie-talkies detonated in Beirut and the south of the country on Wednesday. At least 37 people were killed, including some children, and more than 3,000 were injured in the twin attacks. In a United Nations Security Council meeting on Friday, UN human rights chief Volker Turk on Friday warned that the detonation of communication devices could violate international human rights law. Lebanese Foreign Minister Abdallah Bou Habib and Israeli Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon clashed at the heated meeting, with Bou Habib calling on the council to condemn Israel’s actions and Danon slamming the Lebanese envoy for not mentioning Hezbollah.

Posted Sun, 09/22/2024 - 01:09

Beirut, Lebanon CNN — A deadly Israeli airstrike on Hezbollah’s stronghold in southern Beirut on Friday has left over a dozen people dead, including a high-ranking Hezbollah commander, sharply escalating the conflict between the two sides and raising fears of all-out war. <a href=></a> Senior Hezbollah commander Ibrahim Aqil, part of Hezbollah’s elite Radwan Force, was assassinated along with “about 10” other commanders, Israel Defense Forces (IDF) spokesperson Daniel Hagari said, accusing them of planning to raid and occupy communities in Galilee in northern Israel. Hezbollah confirmed Aqil’s death on Friday, saying he was killed “following a treacherous Israeli assassination operation on 09/20/2024 in the southern suburbs of Beirut.” According to Hagari, the targeted commanders were “underground underneath a residential building in the heart of the Dahiyeh neighborhood, using civilians as a human shield” at the time of the attack. Lebanon’s health ministry said at least 14 people were killed and 66 others injured in the airstrike, which leveled a multistory building in a densely populated neighborhood. Aqil had a $7 million bounty on his head from the United States for his suspected involvement in the 1983 strike on the US Embassy in Beirut, which killed 63 people, as well as the bombing of the Beirut Marine barracks, which killed 241 US personnel later that year. A CNN team on the ground in Beirut saw a frantic effort to rescue people from underneath the rubble and rush the wounded to hospital. Witnesses said nearby buildings shook for nearly half an hour after the strike, which the IDF said it had carried out at around 4 p.m. local time. A week of surprise attacks Friday’s strike marked the fourth consecutive day of surprise attacks on Beirut and other sites across the country, even as Israeli forces continued deadly strikes and operations in Gaza and the occupied West Bank. The first major attack against Hezbollah this week came Tuesday afternoon when pagers belonging to the militant groups’ members exploded near-simultaneously. The pagers had been used by Hezbollah to communicate after the group’s leader, Hassan Nasrallah, encouraged members to switch to low-tech devices to prevent more of them from being assassinated. Almost exactly 24 hours later, Lebanon was rocked by a second wave of explosions, after Hezbollah walkie-talkies detonated in Beirut and the south of the country on Wednesday. At least 37 people were killed, including some children, and more than 3,000 were injured in the twin attacks. In a United Nations Security Council meeting on Friday, UN human rights chief Volker Turk on Friday warned that the detonation of communication devices could violate international human rights law. Lebanese Foreign Minister Abdallah Bou Habib and Israeli Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon clashed at the heated meeting, with Bou Habib calling on the council to condemn Israel’s actions and Danon slamming the Lebanese envoy for not mentioning Hezbollah.

Posted Sun, 09/22/2024 - 01:09

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Posted Sun, 09/22/2024 - 01:09

Beirut, Lebanon CNN — A deadly Israeli airstrike on Hezbollah’s stronghold in southern Beirut on Friday has left over a dozen people dead, including a high-ranking Hezbollah commander, sharply escalating the conflict between the two sides and raising fears of all-out war. <a href=></a> Senior Hezbollah commander Ibrahim Aqil, part of Hezbollah’s elite Radwan Force, was assassinated along with “about 10” other commanders, Israel Defense Forces (IDF) spokesperson Daniel Hagari said, accusing them of planning to raid and occupy communities in Galilee in northern Israel. Hezbollah confirmed Aqil’s death on Friday, saying he was killed “following a treacherous Israeli assassination operation on 09/20/2024 in the southern suburbs of Beirut.” According to Hagari, the targeted commanders were “underground underneath a residential building in the heart of the Dahiyeh neighborhood, using civilians as a human shield” at the time of the attack. Lebanon’s health ministry said at least 14 people were killed and 66 others injured in the airstrike, which leveled a multistory building in a densely populated neighborhood. Aqil had a $7 million bounty on his head from the United States for his suspected involvement in the 1983 strike on the US Embassy in Beirut, which killed 63 people, as well as the bombing of the Beirut Marine barracks, which killed 241 US personnel later that year. A CNN team on the ground in Beirut saw a frantic effort to rescue people from underneath the rubble and rush the wounded to hospital. Witnesses said nearby buildings shook for nearly half an hour after the strike, which the IDF said it had carried out at around 4 p.m. local time. A week of surprise attacks Friday’s strike marked the fourth consecutive day of surprise attacks on Beirut and other sites across the country, even as Israeli forces continued deadly strikes and operations in Gaza and the occupied West Bank. The first major attack against Hezbollah this week came Tuesday afternoon when pagers belonging to the militant groups’ members exploded near-simultaneously. The pagers had been used by Hezbollah to communicate after the group’s leader, Hassan Nasrallah, encouraged members to switch to low-tech devices to prevent more of them from being assassinated. Almost exactly 24 hours later, Lebanon was rocked by a second wave of explosions, after Hezbollah walkie-talkies detonated in Beirut and the south of the country on Wednesday. At least 37 people were killed, including some children, and more than 3,000 were injured in the twin attacks. In a United Nations Security Council meeting on Friday, UN human rights chief Volker Turk on Friday warned that the detonation of communication devices could violate international human rights law. Lebanese Foreign Minister Abdallah Bou Habib and Israeli Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon clashed at the heated meeting, with Bou Habib calling on the council to condemn Israel’s actions and Danon slamming the Lebanese envoy for not mentioning Hezbollah.

Posted Sun, 09/22/2024 - 01:11

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Posted Sun, 09/22/2024 - 01:12

Beirut, Lebanon CNN — A deadly Israeli airstrike on Hezbollah’s stronghold in southern Beirut on Friday has left over a dozen people dead, including a high-ranking Hezbollah commander, sharply escalating the conflict between the two sides and raising fears of all-out war. <a href=></a> Senior Hezbollah commander Ibrahim Aqil, part of Hezbollah’s elite Radwan Force, was assassinated along with “about 10” other commanders, Israel Defense Forces (IDF) spokesperson Daniel Hagari said, accusing them of planning to raid and occupy communities in Galilee in northern Israel. Hezbollah confirmed Aqil’s death on Friday, saying he was killed “following a treacherous Israeli assassination operation on 09/20/2024 in the southern suburbs of Beirut.” According to Hagari, the targeted commanders were “underground underneath a residential building in the heart of the Dahiyeh neighborhood, using civilians as a human shield” at the time of the attack. Lebanon’s health ministry said at least 14 people were killed and 66 others injured in the airstrike, which leveled a multistory building in a densely populated neighborhood. Aqil had a $7 million bounty on his head from the United States for his suspected involvement in the 1983 strike on the US Embassy in Beirut, which killed 63 people, as well as the bombing of the Beirut Marine barracks, which killed 241 US personnel later that year. A CNN team on the ground in Beirut saw a frantic effort to rescue people from underneath the rubble and rush the wounded to hospital. Witnesses said nearby buildings shook for nearly half an hour after the strike, which the IDF said it had carried out at around 4 p.m. local time. A week of surprise attacks Friday’s strike marked the fourth consecutive day of surprise attacks on Beirut and other sites across the country, even as Israeli forces continued deadly strikes and operations in Gaza and the occupied West Bank. The first major attack against Hezbollah this week came Tuesday afternoon when pagers belonging to the militant groups’ members exploded near-simultaneously. The pagers had been used by Hezbollah to communicate after the group’s leader, Hassan Nasrallah, encouraged members to switch to low-tech devices to prevent more of them from being assassinated. Almost exactly 24 hours later, Lebanon was rocked by a second wave of explosions, after Hezbollah walkie-talkies detonated in Beirut and the south of the country on Wednesday. At least 37 people were killed, including some children, and more than 3,000 were injured in the twin attacks. In a United Nations Security Council meeting on Friday, UN human rights chief Volker Turk on Friday warned that the detonation of communication devices could violate international human rights law. Lebanese Foreign Minister Abdallah Bou Habib and Israeli Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon clashed at the heated meeting, with Bou Habib calling on the council to condemn Israel’s actions and Danon slamming the Lebanese envoy for not mentioning Hezbollah.

Posted Sun, 09/22/2024 - 01:17

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